Search results for: django
83 results found.
Data migrations in Django
At this point, our SQLite database consists of a small number of languages. However, we started with the goal to allow users to create snippets for a wide variety of languages. As things stand, other…
Read MoreDjango Authentication Framework Basics
Django authentication (or auth) app provides a wide array of tools for User management ranging from authenticating users to resetting passwords. The auth app is quite big. It consists of URL patter…
Read MoreDjango Admin App
These days Admin sites are an integral part of any website. Administrators, author and staff members use admin site to manage the content of the main site. Django provides an admin site right out of …
Read MoreDjango ORM Basics Part 2
In the previous lesson, we have covered all the basics of interacting with the database using Django ORM. We have created, modified and deleted many objects. The type of the objects we have handled t…
Read MoreDjango ORM Basics Part 1
Having learned the art of creating models, let's now shift our attention on how to insert and access the data from the database. Django ORM provides an elegant and powerful way to interact with t…
Read MoreMigrations in Django
Migration is a way to alter database schema. At the same time, migration also serves as a version control for databases. In Django, the common workflow of working with models is as follows: Create …
Read MoreBasics of Models in Django
We have learned quite a lot of things in the last few chapters. At this point, you should have a pretty good understanding of what Templates and Views are. In this chapter, we will learn about the Mo…
Read MoreTemplate Inheritance in Django
Including templates using include tag # The {% include %} tag allows us to include the contents of a template inside another template. Its syntax is: {% include template_name %} The template_name …
Read MoreLoading Templates in Django
In the last few chapters, we have learned quite a lot about Django templates. In this lesson, we will put some of the things to use. Open from the djangobin app located at djangobin/django_p…
Read MoreTemplate filters in Django
Django filters are used to modify the value of the variable before they are rendered as HTML code. To use a filter, type pipe character (|) followed by the filter name after the variable name. {{ var…
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